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Revenge of the Fifth: 11 reasons you sympathise more with Darth Vader

Film "Star Wars: Episode V, The Empire Strikes Back" (1980).. Darth Vader is shown in a scene from Lucasfilm's "Star Wars: Episode V, The Empire Strikes Back," in this undated promotional photo. Lucasfilm Ltd. and 20th Century Fox announced Tuesday, Feb. 10, 2004, that the original three "Star Wars" films will be released on DVD Sept. 21, 2004 in North America. (AP Photo/Lucasfilm, Ltd. & TM)...A...ENT...USA
‘Come on… you know I’m way better than Luke’ (Picture: Lucasfilm)

May 4 was Star Wars Day, when the planet united in celebration of the space opera extraordinaire, and everyone secretly (or not so secretly) wishes they were a Jedi.

But let’s be honest: Darth Vader’s better. And I’m naming today International Antagonistic, Merciless Sith Appreciation Day, or IAMSAD.

Or Revenge of the… Read the full story

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